samedi 23 août 2008

GSoC officially ends...

Hi !

The Google Summer of Code has finally ended the August 18th. The three outputs formats I planned to do are available (CHM, PDF, Manpage) and one of the two project specific "themes" (PEAR done, not PHP-GTK).

I also wrote a KDevelop format (which render an index and a TOC of the PHP Manual for the KDevelop application) and worked on PhD Enterprise, the last version (0.4.0).

I will keep working on PhD Enterprise until at least few working formats are moved to this new branch.

See you in another life :)

vendredi 1 août 2008



This week, I finished PDF output. When I began to move to the next scheduled item, DBHTML (Docbook processing instructions for HTML rendering) implementation, my mentor introduce a bigger project than ever: Enterprise PhD (v2.0-XP ^_^).

The main purpose is to clear the main defaults of PhD with a new implementation. XML Index informations are now stored on a SQLite3 database, Formats/themes "interface" has been renewed (now there are just formats which can be used as themes), Observer Design Pattern is used almost everywhere (with SplObjectStorage class of the Standard PHP Library), and formats have now access to more data.

I'm in charge of fixing bugs (my mentor wrote the main part of this new PhD), adding new features (it seems I have carte blanche), and (later) porting PhD formats I wrote.

See you next friday for raunchy news about ePhD :D